Soothing Relief: Does Soup Help With a Cold?

Eating soup while you are ill is a common remedy that has been practiced for centuries. It is believed to be nourishing, restorative, easy to digest, and light on the system. Chicken soup has been prescribed as a treatment for respiratory tract issues since the 12th century. Research suggests that soup can be beneficial for those with a cold, as it provides nourishment, helps with digestion, and can relieve sore throat pain and nasal congestion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Soup is a popular remedy for cold symptoms, offering nourishment and easy digestion.
  • Chicken soup has a long history as a healing remedy for respiratory tract issues.
  • Soup can provide relief from sore throat pain and nasal congestion.
  • Research suggests that soup can help with digestion and overall well-being while experiencing cold symptoms.
  • Choosing homemade soup with a variety of vegetables is preferable to canned or processed versions.

The History of Chicken Soup as a Remedy

Chicken soup has been used as a remedy for centuries, with its roots dating back to ancient times. In fact, it was mentioned as early as 60 A.D. by an army surgeon during the reign of Roman emperor Nero. The tradition of using chicken soup as a therapeutic remedy can be traced back to ancient China as well.

Different cultures have developed their own unique variations of chicken soup, each with its own flavor profile and ingredients. The widespread appeal of chicken soup lies not only in its comforting taste but also in the potential health benefits it offers.

Studies suggest that chicken soup provides more than just nourishment and comfort. The unique umami flavor derived from amino acids found in chicken soup has been found to increase appetite and improve nutrient digestion. This makes it particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from upper respiratory illnesses, such as colds or flu.

“Chicken soup has been a staple in my family for generations. It’s not only comforting, but it also makes me feel better when I’m sick. There’s something magical about its taste and warmth that soothes the soul.”

The Umami Taste and Its Benefits

The umami taste, often described as savory or meaty, is a key component of chicken soup’s appeal. This unique flavor is derived from amino acids present in the chicken and other ingredients used in the soup. Research suggests that the umami taste can stimulate the appetite, making it easier for individuals with colds or flu to maintain proper nutrition during their illness.

Beyond its influence on appetite, the umami taste has also been found to improve nutrient digestion. This can enhance the absorption of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients present in the soup, ensuring the body receives the necessary nourishment for recovery.

Benefit Description
Increased appetite The umami taste in chicken soup can stimulate the appetite, making it easier to maintain proper nutrition during illness.
Improved nutrient digestion The umami flavor can enhance the absorption of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients present in chicken soup.
Enhanced taste and satisfaction The umami taste provides a rich and satisfying flavor that can uplift the spirits and offer comfort during times of illness.

The Cultural Heritage of Chicken Soup

Chicken soup holds a significant place in the culinary traditions of many cultures across the globe. From the hearty matzo ball soup in Jewish cuisine to the invigorating pozole in Mexican cuisine, each variation showcases the cultural diversity and adaptability of chicken soup as a remedy.

Through centuries of evolution and cultural exchange, chicken soup has become a symbol of comfort, healing, and nourishment. Its longevity and continued popularity highlight the enduring belief in its therapeutic properties.

The Healing Properties of Chicken Soup

When it comes to soothing relief and healing during illness, nothing quite compares to a bowl of homemade chicken soup. Not only does it offer comfort and warmth, but it also contains a wealth of nutrients that can benefit your body’s healing process.

One of the key healing properties of chicken soup lies in its rich nutrient profile. By combining chicken, vegetables, herbs, and spices, this nourishing dish provides a wide array of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Chicken serves as a complete source of protein, while vegetables contribute vitamins and minerals that support overall health.

Aside from its nutrient content, the warmth of chicken soup can provide relief for common cold symptoms such as nasal congestion and a sore throat. The steam from a steaming bowl of soup can help to loosen mucus and clear congested airways, making it easier to breathe.

Additionally, the herbs and spices commonly used in chicken soup, such as garlic and ginger, offer their own healing properties. Garlic is known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties, while ginger has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. These ingredients can help support your immune system and aid in the recovery process.

It is also worth mentioning that other foods can complement the healing properties of chicken soup when it comes to combating cold and flu symptoms. Broths, whether chicken-based or bone broth, provide hydration and essential electrolytes to replenish fluids lost during illness. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are packed with vitamin C, which supports immune function. Additionally, the omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like salmon can help reduce inflammation and boost overall recovery.

When choosing chicken soup, opt for homemade versions or soups that contain a variety of vegetables. Canned or processed soups may not offer the same level of nutrients and can contain excess sodium or additives. By making your own homemade chicken soup, you have full control over the ingredients, ensuring that each spoonful is loaded with healing benefits.

To summarize, the healing properties of chicken soup are due to its nutrient-rich composition, ability to relieve congestion, and immune-boosting ingredients. Incorporating a comforting bowl of homemade chicken soup into your diet when you’re feeling under the weather can provide both physical and emotional relief, helping you along the path to recovery.

The Science Behind Chicken Soup’s Benefits

While chicken soup may not be a magical cure for a cold, it has been shown to have several benefits when it comes to alleviating symptoms and supporting the immune system. Let’s take a closer look at the science behind these advantages.

The Immune-Boosting Power

Chicken soup contains an essential amino acid called cysteine, which has been found to help thin mucus and manage cold and flu symptoms. This can provide relief for congested nasal passages and make breathing easier.

The broth in chicken soup also plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system. It provides fluids and electrolytes that help fight off infections and maintain hydration levels. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and aids in the body’s recovery process.

In addition, the umami taste of chicken soup, derived from amino acids like glutamate, can have a positive impact on appetite and nutrient digestion. It can increase the desire to eat, ensuring that the body receives the necessary nutrients to promote healing.

Reducing Inflammation

Chicken soup has been found to lower white blood cell activity in the nasal passages, which can help reduce inflammation. This can be beneficial for those suffering from cold and flu symptoms, as it can provide relief for a sore throat and ease nasal congestion.

Maintaining Balanced Energy Levels

During illness, glucose levels in the body tend to be higher due to the immune response. It is important to be mindful of carbohydrate intake and choose balanced options to maintain stable energy levels. While chicken soup can provide nourishment and comfort, it is essential to incorporate other aspects of a balanced diet to ensure optimal healing.

Overall, chicken soup offers a combination of beneficial components that can provide relief from cold and flu symptoms and support the immune system. However, it is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

science behind chicken soup

Maximizing the Healing Benefits of Chicken Soup

To maximize the health benefits of chicken soup, it’s recommended to make homemade soup with a variety of ingredients. Adding carrots, celery, garlic, and herbs like thyme or parsley not only enhances the flavor but also increases the nutritional value of the soup. These ingredients contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to the healing properties of the soup.

Unlike canned versions, homemade chicken soup is packed with vegetables and essential nutrients, making it a superior choice for maximizing the healing benefits. Canned soups often lack in vegetables and antioxidants, which are crucial for strengthening the immune system and promoting overall well-being.

Chicken soup provides a well-rounded nutritional profile. It contains protein from the chicken, which is essential for tissue repair and recovery. Carbohydrates from the ingredients in the soup provide energy, while vitamins and minerals from the vegetables support various bodily functions.

When consuming chicken soup, both the liquid and the vapors play a role in maximizing its healing benefits. Drinking the hot liquid can help keep you hydrated and soothe a sore throat. Inhaling the aromatic vapors can help loosen mucus and relieve congestion, providing much-needed relief during a cold or flu.

It’s essential to choose broth-based soups over creamy or high-sodium options to ensure optimal healing benefits. Cream-based soups can be heavy on the stomach, making digestion more challenging, while high-sodium soups can contribute to fluid retention and increased blood pressure.

By carefully selecting the ingredients and preparation method, homemade chicken soup becomes a powerful ally in fighting off cold and flu symptoms. Its nourishing properties provide comfort and help boost the immune system, making it a go-to remedy for generations.

Homemade chicken soup is like a warm hug for your body and soul. The combination of nutritious ingredients and the comforting warmth provides soothing relief and helps kick those cold symptoms to the curb.

To summarize:

Maximizing Healing Benefits of Chicken Soup
Ingredients Homemade Soup Canned Soup
Vegetables and Antioxidants Abundant Lacking
Protein Source of complete protein Varies
Carbohydrates Provides energy Varies
Vitamins and Minerals Rich in essential nutrients Varies
Sodium Content Controlled, low-sodium options available Often high
Consistency Broth-based, lighter on the stomach Varies

A wholesome homemade chicken soup serves as a nourishing ally in the battle against cold and flu symptoms. By choosing the right ingredients and prioritizing your health, you can turn this comforting dish into a powerhouse for healing and well-being.

Other Foods for Cold and Flu Symptom Relief

In addition to chicken soup, there are other foods that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Incorporating these foods into your diet can support healing and boost your immune system.

Broths for Hydration

Broths, particularly bone broth, are excellent choices for hydration during illness. They provide fluids and electrolytes that help replenish your body’s resources. Bone broth also contains collagen, which supports gut health and aids in digestion.

Citrus Fruits for Immunity

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, are packed with vitamin C. This essential nutrient helps strengthen the immune system and supports the body’s natural defense mechanisms against cold and flu viruses. Enjoy a refreshing glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or incorporate slices of citrus fruits into your meals and snacks.

Nourishing Fruits and Berries

Adding nutrient-rich fruits and berries to your diet can provide antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. Bananas offer potassium, which can help replenish electrolytes lost due to sweating or a fever. Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, contain antioxidants that promote overall health and support the immune system.

Immune-Boosting Garlic and Ginger

Garlic and ginger have long been recognized for their immune-boosting properties. Garlic contains compounds that help fight off infections and reduce inflammation. Ginger has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in relieving cold and flu symptoms. Incorporate fresh garlic and ginger into your meals or prepare ginger tea for a soothing and healing drink.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in sources like salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is beneficial when dealing with respiratory illnesses. Include these foods in your diet to support your body’s healing process.

Hot Teas for Natural Decongestion

Hot teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, or green tea, can act as natural decongestants. They can help soothe a sore throat, relieve nasal congestion, and provide comforting warmth. Enjoy a cup of hot tea throughout the day to alleviate cold and flu symptoms and promote relaxation.

foods for cold and flu relief

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can enhance your body’s natural healing process and alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Whether it’s sipping on a warm cup of bone broth, snacking on citrus fruits, or enjoying a bowl of hot tea, these foods provide nourishment, hydration, and immune-boosting properties that can support your recovery.

Considerations for Glucose Levels During Illness

When you’re sick with a cold or flu, your body undergoes a hormone cascade that enhances the immune response, leading to higher glucose levels. It’s crucial to be conscious of your carbohydrate and sugary drink intake during this time to maintain stable glucose levels. One way to balance your blood sugar levels while enjoying a comforting meal is to opt for chicken noodle soup.

Chicken noodle soup is a popular choice when you’re feeling under the weather, and for good reason. The noodles provide a source of carbohydrates, but it’s important to balance them with plenty of chicken and vegetables to prevent a spike in glucose. The combination of chicken, vegetables, and noodles in chicken noodle soup creates a balanced meal that can help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, pairing fruits with protein can help keep your glucose and energy levels stable throughout the day. For example, enjoying a piece of fruit alongside a serving of lean protein, such as chicken or fish, can provide a steady release of glucose into your bloodstream while also giving you the necessary nutrients to support your healing process.

As with any illness, it’s crucial to prioritize nutrition and choose balanced options to support your overall health. This includes being mindful of your carbohydrate intake and opting for nutritious meals that provide a mix of protein, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals.

By being mindful of your glucose levels and making conscious food choices, you can support your body’s healing process and aid in a speedier recovery from cold and flu symptoms.


Chicken soup has long been hailed as a remedy for cold and flu symptoms, and for good reason. While it may not cure a cold, it can provide much-needed soothing relief and support for the immune system. The key to maximizing the healing benefits of chicken soup lies in its homemade preparation, using nutritious ingredients like chicken, vegetables, and herbs.

Homemade chicken soup is packed with essential nutrients that can aid in the healing process. Chicken provides a complete source of protein, while vegetables supply vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The warmth of the soup can help loosen mucus and alleviate congestion. Additionally, the herbs and spices used in chicken soup, such as garlic and ginger, offer immune-boosting properties.

In addition to chicken soup, there are other foods that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Broths, especially bone broth, provide hydration and electrolytes. Citrus fruits, like oranges, offer a substantial dose of vitamin C to support the immune system. Garlic, ginger, and omega-3 fatty acids found in sources like salmon also have beneficial effects. Hot teas act as natural decongestants, offering further relief.

During illness, it’s crucial to be mindful of glucose levels and choose balanced options. By opting for homemade chicken soup and incorporating foods that offer a variety of nutrients, individuals can enhance their overall health and support the healing process. So the next time you’re feeling under the weather, reach for a comforting bowl of homemade chicken soup and let its nourishing properties work their magic!


Does eating soup help with a cold?

Yes, eating soup can help with a cold. Soup is believed to be nourishing, restorative, easy to digest, and light on the system. It can provide nourishment, help with digestion, and relieve sore throat pain and nasal congestion.

What are the benefits of soup for a cold?

Soup provides nourishment, helps with digestion, and can relieve sore throat pain and nasal congestion. It is also packed with nutrients from ingredients like chicken and vegetables, which support healing. Additionally, the warmth of soup can help loosen mucus and open up congested nasal and throat passages.

What is the best soup for a cold?

Chicken soup is often recommended as the best soup for a cold. It has a long history as a remedy for respiratory tract issues and is packed with nutrients that support healing. However, any homemade soup with a variety of vegetables can provide soothing relief and support the immune system.

How can soup help with cold symptoms?

Soup can help with cold symptoms by providing nourishment, aiding in digestion, relieving sore throat pain and nasal congestion, and supporting the immune system. The warmth of soup can also help loosen mucus and open up congested nasal and throat passages.

What are the benefits of chicken soup for a cold?

Chicken soup provides complete protein from the chicken, vitamins and minerals from the vegetables, and immune-supporting properties from herbs and spices. It can help with healing, relieve sore throat pain and nasal congestion, and support the immune system.

Can vegetable soup help with a cold?

Yes, vegetable soup can help with a cold. Like chicken soup, vegetable soup is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support healing and provide relief from cold symptoms.

Is chicken soup the only soup that can help with a cold?

No, chicken soup is not the only soup that can help with a cold. While chicken soup has a long history as a remedy, any homemade soup with a variety of vegetables can provide similar soothing relief and support the immune system during a cold.

Are there other foods that can help with a cold?

Yes, there are other foods that can help with a cold. Broths, citrus fruits, garlic, ginger, omega-3 fatty acids, and hot teas are all beneficial for relieving cold and flu symptoms and supporting the healing process.

How does chicken soup support the immune system?

Chicken soup supports the immune system through the nutrients it provides, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from the chicken and vegetables. The umami taste of chicken soup can also increase appetite and improve nutrient digestion, which supports overall immune function.

Does chicken soup cure a cold?

No, chicken soup does not cure a cold. However, it can alleviate symptoms, provide soothing relief, and support the immune system during the healing process.

Is homemade chicken soup better than canned soup for a cold?

Yes, homemade chicken soup is better than canned soup for a cold. Homemade soup contains a wider variety of vegetables and antioxidants, which provide additional nutrients and support healing. Canned soups often lack these nutritious ingredients.

How can I maximize the health benefits of chicken soup?

To maximize the health benefits of chicken soup, it’s recommended to make homemade soup with ingredients like carrots, celery, garlic, and herbs. These ingredients provide a variety of nutrients that support healing and overall health.

What other factors should I consider when I’m sick?

When you’re sick, it’s important to be mindful of your glucose levels and carbohydrate intake. Glucose levels tend to be higher when sick, so it’s important to choose balanced options and be aware of your carbohydrate and sugary drink intake. Pairing fruits with protein can help keep glucose and energy levels stable.

Can soup help with balancing glucose levels during illness?

Yes, soup can help with balancing glucose levels during illness by providing a balanced source of carbohydrates from ingredients like noodles, chicken, and vegetables. Balancing noodles in chicken noodle soup with plenty of chicken and vegetables can help stabilize glucose levels.

What are the overall benefits of soup for a cold?

The overall benefits of soup for a cold include soothing relief, support for the immune system, and the nourishment provided by the nutrients in chicken and vegetables. Soup can help alleviate symptoms, improve digestion, and aid in the healing process.

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The Snow Maiden

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