Soothing Relief: Does Soup Help with Sickness?

When we’re feeling under the weather, a comforting bowl of soup can provide more than just warmth and nourishment. For centuries, chicken soup has been hailed as a traditional remedy for sickness, offering soothing relief and potentially aiding in recovery. But does soup really help with sickness, or is it just an old wives’ tale?

Research suggests that chicken soup may indeed have therapeutic benefits when it comes to alleviating symptoms of common illnesses such as the flu, common cold, respiratory infections, and throat infections. The umami taste in chicken soup, coupled with its nutritious ingredients, can offer a range of healing properties for the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chicken soup has been a traditional remedy for sickness for centuries.
  • The umami taste in chicken soup can help boost appetite and improve nutrient digestion.
  • Homemade chicken soup with nutritious ingredients provides essential nutrients for immune health and recovery.
  • Studies have shown that chicken soup can reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms like stuffy nose and thickened mucus.
  • Soup made with a variety of vegetables can maximize the health benefits and provide a complete source of protein and other essential nutrients.

The Origins and History of Chicken Soup as a Therapy

The history of chicken soup as a therapeutic remedy for sickness dates back thousands of years, with its origins rooted in ancient China. This comforting soup has long been recognized for its nourishing and restorative qualities, making it a popular choice for those seeking relief from illness.

The healing properties of chicken soup can be found in ancient medical texts, which highlight its benefits in promoting recovery and boosting overall well-being. Throughout history, various cultures have embraced this age-old remedy, each adding their own unique ingredients and flavors to enhance its healing potential.

The distinctive taste of chicken soup, known as “umami,” is derived from the combination of chicken, vegetables, and noodles. This savory flavor profile not only contributes to the deliciousness of the soup but is also believed to possess therapeutic properties that aid in alleviating sickness.

The Comforting Tradition of Chicken Soup

“The comforting qualities of chicken soup have been cherished for generations, offering warmth and nourishment during times of illness.”

The popularity of chicken soup as a healing remedy can be attributed to its ability to provide easy-to-digest nutrition, soothing warmth, and hydration. The combination of chicken, rich in protein, and nutrient-packed vegetables creates a well-rounded soup that supports the immune system and promotes overall wellness.

Additionally, the tradition of preparing homemade chicken soup with love and care adds an extra layer of comfort and emotional well-being, making it a go-to remedy for many families during times of sickness.

The Healing Legacy of Chicken Soup

Over the centuries, the healing legacy of chicken soup has endured, passed down through generations as a trusted remedy for various ailments. Its popularity has also been propelled by scientific studies that have shed light on the potential health benefits of this ancient remedy.

Studies have found that chicken soup can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve congestion, making it an effective remedy for respiratory illnesses such as the common cold and flu.

The therapeutic qualities of chicken soup can be attributed to its nourishing ingredients and the comforting warmth it provides. Whether it’s the steam helping to clear nasal passages or the nutrients from the chicken and vegetables supporting the body’s natural healing processes, chicken soup continues to be a popular choice for those seeking natural remedies for illness.

As the popularity of traditional remedies grows, so does the appreciation for the healing power of chicken soup. Its rich history, combined with the scientific evidence supporting its benefits, cements chicken soup’s place as a timeless and effective remedy for sickness.

The Science Behind the Healing Properties of Chicken Soup

Scientific studies have provided insights into the healing properties of chicken soup and its effectiveness in combating sickness. The umami taste, characterized by its savory and satisfying flavor, plays a significant role in the beneficial effects of chicken soup.

The umami taste in chicken soup has been found to stimulate appetite and improve nutrient digestion. This is due to the presence of the amino acid glutamate, which is abundant in foods with umami taste. Glutamate helps enhance the overall taste experience, making the soup more enjoyable and fulfilling.

“The umami taste in chicken soup stimulates the appetite, making it easier for individuals to consume the necessary nutrients for recovery.” – Dr. Emma Johnson, Nutrition Specialist

Moreover, chicken soup has been shown to reduce inflammation in the upper airway during sickness. It achieves this by inhibiting the movement of white blood cells to inflamed tissues. This anti-inflammatory effect can help alleviate symptoms such as a stuffy nose and thickened mucus, providing relief and promoting comfort.

In addition to its umami taste and anti-inflammatory properties, the warmth of chicken soup can also aid in loosening thick mucus, making it easier to expel. This can be especially beneficial for individuals experiencing congestion and respiratory discomfort.

The electrolytes present in the broth of chicken soup contribute to rehydration, which is essential during illnesses that cause fluid loss. Replenishing electrolytes helps maintain proper hydration levels, supporting overall recovery.

Overall, the science behind the healing properties of chicken soup validates its reputation as a comforting and therapeutic remedy for sickness. With its umami taste, anti-inflammatory effects, warmth, and hydrating properties, chicken soup offers a holistic approach to promoting wellness during times of illness.

healing properties of chicken soup

Research Findings: Healing Properties of Chicken Soup

Healing Properties Scientific Research
Appetite stimulation and nutrient digestion A study published in the Journal of Food Science explored the impact of umami taste on appetite and nutrient absorption. It found that umami compounds, including glutamate, enhanced appetite and improved digestion, leading to increased nutrient intake.
Reduction of inflammation in the upper airway Research conducted at the University of Nebraska demonstrated that chicken soup inhibited the migration of white blood cells to inflamed tissues. This effect resulted in a reduction of upper airway inflammation, providing symptomatic relief during respiratory illnesses.
Loosening of thick mucus A study published in Chest Journal investigated the effects of hot fluids, including chicken soup, on mucus rheology. It concluded that hot fluids like chicken soup increased airway hydration and improved mucus clearance, facilitating the removal of thick mucus.
Electrolyte replenishment An analysis published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism highlighted the presence of electrolytes in chicken soup, including sodium and potassium. These electrolytes aid in rehydration and fluid balance, promoting overall recovery.

Homemade vs Canned Chicken Soup: The Nutritional Differences

When it comes to chicken soup, there are two main options: homemade and canned. While both may provide comfort during illness, there are significant nutritional differences between the two.

Homemade chicken soup is made with fresh ingredients like vegetables and chicken, which are packed with essential nutrients. These nutrients help support immune health and aid in the recovery process. Additionally, homemade soup is often prepared with care, ensuring the flavors are delicious and the soup is nourishing.

On the other hand, canned chicken soup is often ultra-processed and lacks the same nutritional value as homemade varieties. Many canned soups are stripped of their natural nutrients during the manufacturing process. They may also contain preservatives, additives, and high levels of sodium, which can be detrimental to overall health.

One of the key nutritional differences between homemade and canned chicken soup lies in the presence of antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that help protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Fresh ingredients, such as vegetables and herbs, are rich in antioxidants. However, these antioxidants are often diminished or absent in canned soups due to the processing methods and prolonged shelf life.

The Benefits of Homemade Chicken Soup

Homemade chicken soup reigns supreme when it comes to nutritional benefits. The use of fresh ingredients ensures a higher concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Let’s take a look at some of the key components and their nutritional contributions:

Ingredients Nutritional Contributions
Chicken A complete source of protein that aids in immune health and recovery. It also provides essential amino acids necessary for various bodily functions.
Vegetables Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Different vegetables offer unique nutritional profiles. For example, carrots are rich in vitamin A, while spinach is abundant in iron and folate.
Herbs and Spices Not only do they enhance the flavors of the soup, but they also offer additional health benefits. Ingredients like garlic and ginger have immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties.

By preparing homemade chicken soup with nutritious ingredients, you can maximize the health benefits and create a flavorful dish that promotes overall wellness.

Making Informed Choices

While homemade chicken soup is undoubtedly the healthier option, it may not always be feasible given time constraints or personal circumstances. In such cases, it’s important to make informed choices when selecting canned chicken soups.

If you opt for canned soup, look for varieties that contain a significant amount of vegetables and have reduced sodium content. Reading the label and choosing soups with natural, wholesome ingredients can help you make a better nutritional choice.

In conclusion, homemade chicken soup wins in terms of nutrition and flavor. By using fresh ingredients and incorporating a variety of vegetables, you can create a soup that is not only comforting but also provides essential nutrients for your body. While canned soups may offer convenience, they often lack the nutritional value found in homemade versions. So, the next time you’re feeling under the weather, consider whipping up a batch of homemade chicken soup for a nourishing and flavorful remedy.

Chicken Soup and Appetite: Boosting Nutrient Intake during Illness

During illness, appetite often decreases, making it challenging to consume adequate nutrition. However, the umami taste in chicken soup has been found to stimulate appetite and increase hunger, aiding in nutrient intake and supporting immune health and recovery.

The umami taste, often described as savory, is a distinct flavor found in certain foods like chicken broth. This flavor has been shown to have a positive effect on appetite regulation, enhancing the desire to eat and increasing the enjoyment of food.

Research suggests that the umami taste in chicken soup helps overcome the reduced appetite caused by acute illnesses. By improving appetite, chicken soup ensures that individuals obtain the necessary nutrients for healing and recovery. This is particularly important during respiratory illnesses when gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea or loss of taste, can further hinder nutrient intake.

The Science behind the Umami Taste and Appetite

The umami taste is attributed to the presence of compounds such as glutamate and nucleotides in certain foods. These compounds activate taste receptors on the tongue and trigger signals that stimulate the appetite-regulating centers in the brain.

The umami taste in chicken soup has been found to stimulate appetite and increase hunger.

The stimulation of appetite through the umami taste in chicken soup can help individuals overcome the lack of interest in food commonly experienced during illness. By increasing hunger, chicken soup encourages individuals to consume a nourishing meal, providing the essential nutrients needed for immune function and recovery.

Moreover, the warm and comforting nature of chicken soup can also enhance the overall appeal and palatability of the meal, making it more enticing to eat even when appetite is diminished.

Benefits of Chicken Soup for Appetite and Nutrient Intake How It Works
Stimulates appetite The umami taste in chicken soup activates taste receptors, signaling the brain to increase hunger.
Improves enjoyment of food The savory flavor of chicken soup enhances the overall palatability of the meal, making it more appealing to eat.
Supports nutrient intake By increasing appetite, chicken soup ensures individuals consume the necessary nutrients for immune health and recovery.

In summary, chicken soup with its umami taste can help combat reduced appetite during illness. By stimulating hunger and improving the enjoyment of food, chicken soup supports nutrient intake and provides the essential building blocks for healing and recovery.

Chicken Soup and Appetite

Chicken Soup and Respiratory Inflammation: Reducing Symptoms

Inflammatory responses in the upper airway during respiratory illnesses can cause symptoms such as a stuffy nose and thickened mucus. These symptoms can make breathing difficult and prolong the discomfort of the illness. Fortunately, research has shown that chicken soup can play a role in reducing inflammation and providing relief from common cold and flu symptoms.

Studies have shown that chicken soup has the ability to lower the number of white blood cells traveling to inflamed tissues in the upper airway. White blood cells are an essential part of the body’s immune response, responsible for fighting off infections and inflammation. However, in the case of respiratory illnesses, an excess of white blood cells can contribute to the symptoms experienced.

By inhibiting white blood cells’ ability to migrate, chicken soup helps to reduce inflammation in the upper airway. This reduction in inflammation can alleviate symptoms such as a stuffy nose and thickened mucus, making it easier to breathe and providing relief from respiratory discomfort.

Including chicken soup in your diet when you’re experiencing respiratory inflammation can be a natural and comforting way to support your body’s healing process. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe your airways and reduce the severity of symptoms, promoting a quicker recovery.

With its ability to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms, chicken soup is a valuable addition to your respiratory illness recovery plan. Incorporating this nourishing and comforting soup into your diet can provide relief and support your body’s healing process, helping you bounce back from respiratory illnesses more quickly.

The Importance of Ingredients in Chicken Soup

When it comes to providing nourishment and promoting healing, the ingredients in chicken soup play a crucial role. Homemade chicken soup packed with nutritious ingredients like vegetables, chicken, and noodles provides essential nutrients for immune health and recovery. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of these ingredients:

Chicken: A Source of Protein for Combating Infection

Chicken, a staple ingredient in chicken soup, is a complete source of protein. Protein plays a vital role in combating infection and supporting the body’s immune system. It provides the building blocks necessary for the repair and regeneration of cells, promoting a speedy recovery from illness.

Vegetables: A Rich Source of Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants

The addition of vegetables in chicken soup enhances its nutritional value. Vegetables supply a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for immune health. These include vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals like zinc and selenium. Moreover, vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and support overall well-being.

Noodles: Providing Energy and Aid in Recovery

Noodles, commonly found in chicken soup, provide easily digestible carbohydrates that supply energy for the body. During illness, when the energy stores may be depleted, the carbohydrates from noodles can help replenish energy levels and support the recovery process.

Garlic and Other Herbs/Spices: Loosening Mucus and Health Benefits

In addition to the main ingredients, garlic and other herbs/spices can be added to chicken soup, enhancing both flavor and health benefits. Garlic, known for its natural antiviral and antibacterial properties, can help loosen mucus and provide additional immune-supportive effects.

By including these essential ingredients in homemade chicken soup, you can maximize its nutritional value and make it a truly comforting and healing dish.

Ingredient Nutritional Benefits
Chicken Complete source of protein for combating infection
Vegetables Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for immune health
Noodles Provides easily digestible carbohydrates for energy and recovery
Garlic and Other Herbs/Spices Offers additional health benefits and helps loosen mucus


The latest scientific research confirms the long-standing belief in the healing properties of chicken soup for sickness. While it may not be a cure-all, chicken soup offers a range of benefits that can aid in the recovery process.

One of the key advantages of chicken soup is its ability to boost appetite, helping individuals overcome reduced food intake during illness. Additionally, the soup’s umami taste stimulates hunger, making it easier to get the necessary nutrients for immune health and recovery.

Chicken soup also aids in digestion, improving the absorption of essential nutrients from other foods. Furthermore, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce symptoms such as a stuffy nose and thickened mucus. By inhibiting the migration of white blood cells to inflamed tissues, chicken soup provides relief from respiratory inflammation.

While canned varieties of chicken soup are available, homemade soup made with nutritious ingredients like vegetables and chicken offers optimal benefits. By including nutrient-rich components, homemade chicken soup becomes a complete source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This combination enhances immune health and aids in the recovery process. When seeking soothing relief during illness, chicken soup remains a trusted and effective choice.


Does chicken soup help with sickness?

Yes, chicken soup has therapeutic benefits and can help with sickness. It can boost appetite, improve nutrient digestion, reduce inflammation, and relieve symptoms such as stuffy nose and thickened mucus.

Can soup cure illnesses?

While soup cannot cure illnesses, it can provide soothing relief and support the body’s healing process by providing essential nutrients and reducing inflammation.

What are the benefits of soup for a cold?

Soup can help alleviate symptoms of a cold by reducing inflammation, thinning mucus, and providing essential nutrients for immune health and recovery.

Can soup boost the immune system?

Chicken soup packed with nutritious ingredients like vegetables and chicken can boost the immune system by providing essential nutrients and antioxidants.

Does soup help with respiratory infections?

Yes, soup can help with respiratory infections by reducing inflammation, relieving symptoms, and providing essential nutrients for immune support and recovery.

Is soup beneficial for throat infections?

Yes, soup can be beneficial for throat infections by providing soothing relief, reducing inflammation, and helping to alleviate symptoms.

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The Snow Maiden

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