What Does SOUP Stand For? Unveiling the Acronym.

If you’ve ever come across the term SOUP in the context of software components, you may have wondered what it actually stands for. Allow us to shed some light on this acronym and uncover its meaning.

SOUP stands for “Software of Unknown Provenance.” It refers to software components that are already developed and widely available, but lack adequate records of the development process. While it is often mistaken for other terms like Off-The-Shelf Software (OTS) or Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software (COTS), SOUP has its own unique definition and significance.

For manufacturers of medical devices, understanding the differences and similarities between SOUP, COTS, and OTS is crucial. Not only does it ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, but it also allows for effective management of software components.

Key Takeaways:

  • SOUP stands for “Software of Unknown Provenance.”
  • SOUP refers to software components without adequate records of the development process.
  • SOUP is not equivalent to OTS or COTS.
  • Manufacturers should understand and comply with the specific requirements of regulatory bodies like the FDA and IEC 62304.
  • Selecting SOUPs should be based on criteria such as auditability, functionality, run-time environment, and support.

SOUPs, COTS, OTS: Differences and Similarities of Terms

The terms SOUP, COTS, and OTS often cause confusion when discussing software components. To gain a clear understanding of these terms and effectively manage software components in medical devices, it is essential to explore their definitions, differences, and similarities.

SOUP (Software of Unknown Provenance): refers to software components that are already developed and widely available but lack sufficient records of the development process. These components can be obtained from various sources, such as online repositories or open-source communities.

COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software): refers to pre-packaged software that is commercially available from dedicated suppliers. COTS software is developed with the intention of being sold to numerous users across different industries.

OTS (Off-The-Shelf Software): is a broader category that encompasses both COTS and SOUP. While COTS refers specifically to commercially available software, OTS includes any software component that is readily available and does not require further customization. It is important to note that not all SOUP is considered OTS.

Understanding the key differences between these terms is crucial. SOUP, unlike COTS or OTS, does not have detailed records of the development process. COTS, on the other hand, is specifically sourced from commercial suppliers. OTS is a more general term that includes both COTS and software components without detailed development records.

In medical device development, distinguishing between SOUP, COTS, and OTS is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and proper management of software components.

To further shed light on the differences and similarities between these terms, refer to the table below:

Software Component Type Definition
SOUP (Software of Unknown Provenance) Software components lacking adequate development process records.
COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software) Pre-packaged software commercially available from dedicated suppliers.
OTS (Off-The-Shelf Software) Includes both COTS and software components without detailed development records.

As shown in the table, each term has a distinct definition, emphasizing the importance of understanding their individual characteristics when selecting or managing software components for medical devices.

OTS / SOUP Requirements

When it comes to requirements for OTS and SOUP, the FDA and IEC 62304 have different approaches. The FDA takes a “risk-based” approach, scaling the demands of OTS based on the level of risk involved. On the other hand, the IEC 62304 does not specify any concrete demands for OTS and does not depend on the safety class.

The FDA has specific requirements for documenting the properties of OTS components. This includes comprehensive documentation to ensure traceability and accountability. In contrast, the IEC 62304 is less specific about documentation requirements for OTS.

One notable difference is that the FDA requires supplier audits for critical software, which includes OTS components. The purpose of these audits is to ensure that the supplier has proper quality control processes in place. In contrast, the IEC 62304 does not have such a requirement for supplier audits.

It is crucial for manufacturers of medical devices to understand and comply with the specific requirements of both regulatory bodies. Adhering to these requirements helps ensure the safety and efficacy of the software components used in medical devices.

Criteria for Selecting SOUPs

When selecting SOUPs, it is important to consider several criteria that can help in making an informed decision. These criteria include:

  1. Auditability: The ability to conduct a thorough audit of the SOUP manufacturer is essential. It allows for better understanding of their development processes and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Functionality: Evaluating the functionality provided by the SOUP is crucial in determining its suitability for the intended use within the medical device. It should align with the device’s requirements and meet the desired standards.
  3. Run-time Environment: Assessing the SOUP’s compatibility with the required run-time environment is necessary. It ensures seamless integration and smooth operation of the software component within the device.
  4. Frequency of Use: Understanding the frequency of use of the SOUP is vital for managing its impact on the overall performance and reliability of the device. It helps in identifying potential risks and making informed decisions.
  5. Bug Lists and Test Results: Access to bug lists and test results of the SOUP aids in evaluating its quality and identifying potential issues. This information allows for proper risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  6. Technical Documentation and Previous Audits: Availability of comprehensive technical documentation and reports from previous audits provides insights into the reliability and regulatory compliance aspect of the SOUP. It helps manufacturers make informed decisions.
  7. Quality Management System: The presence of a robust quality management system within the SOUP manufacturer’s organization is indicative of their commitment to quality and compliance. It instills confidence in the selection process.
  8. Cost: Considering the cost implications of selecting a particular SOUP is essential. It should align with the allocated budget without compromising the quality and functionality required by the medical device.

Manufacturers should perform a thorough value benefit analysis and consider these criteria in light of their specific situation and application. This approach ensures the selection of suitable SOUPs that meet the necessary standards and contribute to the overall performance and safety of the medical device.

criteria for selecting SOUPs

By carefully evaluating these criteria, manufacturers can make informed decisions regarding the selection of SOUPs for their medical devices. Meeting the necessary standards and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of these devices.


In conclusion, understanding the meaning and implications of SOUP, as well as the differences between SOUP, COTS, and OTS, is of utmost importance for manufacturers in the medical device industry. Effective management of software components and compliance with regulatory requirements rely on a clear understanding of these terms.

By selecting SOUPs based on specific criteria and considering the demands of regulatory bodies like the FDA and IEC 62304, manufacturers can ensure the safe and effective use of software components in their devices. It is essential to prioritize factors such as the ability to audit the SOUP manufacturer, the functionality provided, the suitability of the run-time environment, the availability of bug lists and test results, as well as previous audit reports.

To navigate the complex landscape of software component management, manufacturers must adopt a proactive approach and stay informed about the evolving regulatory landscape. Continuous improvement and adherence to best practices in selecting and managing SOUPs will contribute to the overall quality and safety of medical devices.


What does SOUP stand for?

SOUP stands for “Software of Unknown Provenance.”

What is the meaning of the SOUP acronym?

The SOUP acronym is used in the context of software components that are already developed and widely available, but for which adequate records of the development process are not available.

How is SOUP different from COTS and OTS?

SOUP refers to software components without adequate records, while COTS stands for Off-The-Shelf Software from a commercial supplier and OTS is a broader term encompassing both COTS and SOUP. Not all SOUP is OTS.

What are the requirements for dealing with OTS and SOUP?

The FDA uses a risk-based approach to scale the demands of OTS, while the IEC 62304 does not mention concrete demands and does not depend on the safety class. The FDA has specific requirements for documenting OTS properties and supplier audits, while the IEC 62304 is less specific and does not have this requirement.

What criteria should be considered when selecting SOUPs?

Criteria to consider include the ability to audit the SOUP manufacturer, functionality, run-time environment capability, frequency of use, availability of bug lists and test results, technical documentation and reports of previous audits, presence of a quality management system, and cost.

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